Thursday 28 September 2017

Glowing Apple

The Glowing Apple

After a discussion with a group of my classmates, I decided to choose the object below for this weeks assignment.  While I attempted to challenge existing ideas and push the audience out of their comfort zone with each image I presented in my September 25 blog post, the apple seemed to accomplish this goal perhaps the most effectively.  The simple image of an apple is instantly recognizable and the teeth embedded within it, is immediately jarring and disturbing.  

"The Glowing Apple" is an example of a remix object.  The title is both a reference to the unnatural reflectiveness of the apples'  surface and to genetically modified organisms with disturbing outcomes such as pigs with glow-in-the-dark snouts and ears.  This image brings to mind:
  • Genetically modified foods - have we gone too far?
  • an apple can be seen as a reference to the Garden of Eden.  Mixing the image of an apple with teeth brings to mind Eve eating an apple from the tree of knowledge which resulted in Eve and Adam being kicked out of paradise.
  • opening an apple is similar to looking into the inner workings of nature.  If we find something unnatural, we have to ask ourselves what part are we playing in permanently altering our environment?
  • The health of our produce directly links to our health.  If we don't take care of our environment, how can we expect to thrive?
Below are the two objects downloaded from used to create the final image.

Apple from
Apple - "Apple" by Poh,

Teeth - "Chatterbox Teeth - Windup" by Winosis,

Below are nine screen shots gathered from Rhino.  The shadow cast by the apple was very effect and instantly recognizable as an apple.  I modified the thingiverse images in mesh mixer in the following ways before importing the file into Rhino:

  • smoothed apple and teeth surfaces
  • put together the false teeth
  • separated the teeth from the gums
  • separated the stem and leaf from the body of the apple
  • cut the apple in half
  • duplicated the apple half, shrunk the duplicate, then extruded the duplicate slightly from the original to create a thick skin on the apple
  • rotated and moved the teeth/gums so they projected from the apple at approximately the core location.
  • edited the gums so they receded smoothly into the apple

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