Thursday 28 September 2017

Glowing Apple

The Glowing Apple

After a discussion with a group of my classmates, I decided to choose the object below for this weeks assignment.  While I attempted to challenge existing ideas and push the audience out of their comfort zone with each image I presented in my September 25 blog post, the apple seemed to accomplish this goal perhaps the most effectively.  The simple image of an apple is instantly recognizable and the teeth embedded within it, is immediately jarring and disturbing.  

"The Glowing Apple" is an example of a remix object.  The title is both a reference to the unnatural reflectiveness of the apples'  surface and to genetically modified organisms with disturbing outcomes such as pigs with glow-in-the-dark snouts and ears.  This image brings to mind:
  • Genetically modified foods - have we gone too far?
  • an apple can be seen as a reference to the Garden of Eden.  Mixing the image of an apple with teeth brings to mind Eve eating an apple from the tree of knowledge which resulted in Eve and Adam being kicked out of paradise.
  • opening an apple is similar to looking into the inner workings of nature.  If we find something unnatural, we have to ask ourselves what part are we playing in permanently altering our environment?
  • The health of our produce directly links to our health.  If we don't take care of our environment, how can we expect to thrive?
Below are the two objects downloaded from used to create the final image.

Apple from
Apple - "Apple" by Poh,

Teeth - "Chatterbox Teeth - Windup" by Winosis,

Below are nine screen shots gathered from Rhino.  The shadow cast by the apple was very effect and instantly recognizable as an apple.  I modified the thingiverse images in mesh mixer in the following ways before importing the file into Rhino:

  • smoothed apple and teeth surfaces
  • put together the false teeth
  • separated the teeth from the gums
  • separated the stem and leaf from the body of the apple
  • cut the apple in half
  • duplicated the apple half, shrunk the duplicate, then extruded the duplicate slightly from the original to create a thick skin on the apple
  • rotated and moved the teeth/gums so they projected from the apple at approximately the core location.
  • edited the gums so they receded smoothly into the apple

Monday 25 September 2017

Remix Culture as Applied to 3D Objects

Appropriating and combining existing materials to express ideas in fresh and original ways is known as Remix Culture, Read-Write Culture, or Mashup.  Remix appears in many artistic mediums including music, photography, film, paint and has been employed by well known artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Damien Hirst and even Lady Gaga.  By using a remix approach, the artist looks to juxtapose familiar images with contrasting effect to engage the audience's imagination.  As the audience attempts to reconcile the images into a meaningful narrative,  the status quo is often questioned and the fundamental elements of the source material reinterpreted.  Remix brings together ideas expressed in different genres, by different individuals, and perhaps over different periods of time in a synergistic approach where not all parties are aware of the collaboration, thus touching upon copywriter laws and potential copy write infringement.    

Soldier and Teddy Bear -
Soldier - "Prone Toy Soldier" by SouthGeometric,
Teddy Bear - "Teddy Bear" by Cerberus333,

This image of a soldier and a pink teddy bear contrasts the violence inherent in the image of a soldier poised to shoot, likely at another human, with a soft stuffed animal commonly associated with children and innocence.  Several interpretations of this image are possible as follows:
  • a soldiers' desire to maintain his sense of humanity.
  • a soldier is a depersonalized role where the individual is obscured and orders are followed without question.  The teddy bear once again makes him an individual.
  • A soldier can still have the many fears of a child.
  • The idea of sending a child to kill another human in the name of war is abhorrent, but our society finds it very acceptable to send an adult.  Many of the worries and fears of sending a child into a violent space should be experienced when sending an adult to kill another person.
  • the fact the soldier is a toy soldier designed for children to play with questions the impact of violent toys on childhood innocence.

Soldier in Drag
Soldier - "German Soldier" by Osaru2846
Eye Makeup - created in Tinkerverse
Lips - "Kiss" by PeterVDB,

This image of a german soldier dressed in drag contrasts the extremely male image of a german soldier with the ultra feminine trappings of bright makeup.  Several thoughts come to mind when viewing this image as follows;
  • a soldier is a depersonalized role, but soldiers are still people with individualized desires, ideas, and human quirks.
  • is dressing in drag less acceptable if you are in a traditionally masculine role?
  • thoughts on gender politics and stereotypes come to mind

Take 5
Hello Kitty - "Hello Kitty" by Austinrunning,
Cigarette Smoke - made in Illustrator
Cigarette - made in Tinkered

This image of the innocent childhood icon contrasted with the bad girl act of cigarette smoking brings to mind the following:
  • is allowing or even encouraging your child to be a Hello Kitty fan similar to handing them a pack of cigarettes?  While this might seem extreme, Hello Kitty can be interpreted as an image of female subjugation.  Hello Kitty has no mouth, preventing her from expressing herself and allowing others to make decisions for her.  By giving her a mouth, she is able to make her own decisions and even if they are unhealthy ones, this is preferable to having no say. 
  • children lose their innocence early in our society.

Alien Trump
Donald Trump - "Trump Cat" by Derproperto,
Alien Antenna - created in Tinkered

Donald Trump contrasted with alien antennae seems fitting for the following reasons:
  • Trumps' behaviour is unlikely anything we've seen before in US politics.  His approach is alien-like.
  • The antennae can be interpreted as animal or insect antennae, bringing to mind unpleasant imagery such as slugs, snails, and praying mantis.  Many people have had a similar visceral reaction to Trump even without the antennae.

Fido for Dinner
Dog - "Sleeping Dog" by MustangDave,
Plate, knife, fork - "Dinner Set" by Hendo420,

The idea of eating a pet is abhorrent to us yet most of us are fine with eating pigs, chicken, cows etc.  Pigs in particular have many of the same characteristics as a pet dog;  they are very intelligent, highly social, recognize individual humans, and have long term memories.  Perhaps us non-vegetarians should reconsider our meat choices.

Christ as a Wizard
Christ - "Jesus" by will_CORP,
Wizard Hat - "Wizard Sorting Duck" by Tanmu,
Wizard Staff Topper - "Wizard Staff Topper" by WC_Wookiee,

I've always found the image of Jesus Christ to be amazingly similar to that of a wizard.  The long beard, hair and cloak are trappings of both Jesus and a Wizard and the similarities don't end there.  Miracles, spells, healings - all of these are completed by both.  This image, while irreverent, contrasts an idea many people believe in with one very few take seriously, yet their characteristics are almost identical.  Why is it OK and almost expected to believe in one and not the other?

Jesus Toting Guns
Christ - "Jesus" by will_CORP,
Gun - "Sub-Machine Gun 2" by Forepost_D6,

A gun toting Jesus is a bit of a shocking image.  It contrasts the violence implied with the guns with the peace and love message religions almost alway profess.  Yet many wars and much violence occurs in the name of a religion, commonly one that teaches love and peace.   

Teeth Knife
Knife - "Paper Knife/Letter Opener" by MasterFX,
Teeth - "Adult Teeth Models for Learning Teeth Morphology" by Bingodobber,

Much of our technology is to enhance or take the place of our human body from the use of knives instead of our own teeth to cut food, to cars to replace walking.  This image just emphasizes that connection.

Dangerous Squirrel
Squirrel - "Squirrel" by Scintilla,
Tooth - "Wolf Tooth" by Rossi1450,

Although something might seem innocent and cute, it can still cause a lot of damage.

Teeth in Apple
Apple - "Apple" by Poh,
Teeth - "Chatterbox Teeth - Windup" by Winosis,

Cutting open an apple and discovering teeth inside the apple would be highly disconcerting.  This image brings to mind:

  • Genetically modified foods - have we gone too far?
  • The health of our produce directly links to our health.
  • opening an apple is similar to looking into the inner workings of nature.  If we find something unnatural, we have to ask ourselves what part are we playing in permanently altering nature?

Sunday 17 September 2017

Objectified Response - Assignment 1


Vivian Smith

Key Holder - 3/4 View With Dimensions
Key Holder - Front (inside) View
Key Holder - Top View
Key Holder - Back View

Object Description

After watching Gary Hustwit's Objectified, one idea really stood out to me.  Dan Formosa from Smart Design stated that design should consider the user fringe, not the user archetype.  From my background, I am much more familiar with meeting the 90% standard set of requirements and considering the 10% of cases that aren't satisfied with the design only when issues arise.  The example Mr. Formosa used was that of an arthritic woman struggling with a standard potato peeler.  He then showed an improved design of a potato peeler with a much larger rubberized handle that could be used by the potato peeler fringe as well as typical users. This concept was the inspiration for the key holder shown in the above images.  

The above key holder is designed to modify existing keys, although the approach could incorporated into the manufacturing of blank keys.  The following are characteristics of the unit:
  • height of approximately 3" (without the top ring).  This increases the size of the key head while still maintaining a comfortably portable size.
  • rounded surfaces for hand comfort
  • generally oval or egg shaped.  This allows the user to apply some leverage.  A completely spherical unit would be more of a challenge to use.
  • rubberized surface.  This helps to both hold the key in place once it is snapped inside the unit and allows a better grip of the key head.
  • flexible closure.  The loop on the pink side is also rubberized so that it can be positioned over the rectangular obtrusion extending from the back of the purple half.
  • top loop.  A chain can be threaded through the loop for easy placement on a key chain.
  • colour is optional.  Colours shown are to facilitate object description.
  • simplified design leaving only the necessities for functionality.
Use of Unit

A key head can be placed in the recessed portion of the pink side of the unit with the section of the key to be inserted into a lock extending at right angles away from the unit.  The two halves of the key holder can be snapped closed.  The key holder improves the standard design of a key and benefits both fringe and typical users as follows:
  • Increases key head for easier grip by arthritic hands.
  • Increases key head for greater leverage for those with hand/arm weakness.
  • During cold weather, the rubberized surface offers some protection for the skin of the hand (when compared to the normal metal).
  • If the user is wearing heavy gloves, the key will be easier to grasp with the key holder in place.
  • Young children will find the key easier to use as less coordination is required.
  • Greater comfort for all users.

Before finalizing the design, the following items require further investigation:
  • Depth and diameter of recessed indentation on the pink side of the unit.
  • Size of top loop and closer to ensure durability.
  • User testing.
  • Investigation into preferred colours.

Friday 15 September 2017

Castle - First Assignment

The in-class assignment for the first class of OBDF 110 was to create a house or castle in Tinkercad.  Below is the completion of the in-class assignment.