Wednesday 6 December 2017

Clay Printed Objected

Clay Printed Object

For this homework assignment, I worked with 3 other classmates: Ben, Jin, and Ty.  We shared ideas for which items to print through email and a subsequent discussion.  At first we couldn't decide which of the two ideas below to print with the clay printer.

Idea 1

This was an idea Ben and I had considered for the 3D plastic printed object.  There was some concern that the knobs on the object would be problematic to print with the clay printer.

Fig 1 Idea 1 - Top View
Fig 2 Idea 1 Side View
Fig 3 Idea 1 Perspective View

Idea 2

This idea is a variation of the above with the knobs removed.

Fig 4 Idea 2 Top View
Fig 5 Idea 2 Side View

Both versions were brought to the clay lab.  When it was our turn to print our object, Bryan flipped a coin to make the decision.  Very diplomatic approach!  It was decided we'd go with the second design.  Below are some of the photos of the final product during printing and shortly after.
Fig 6 Beginning of the Print
Fig 7 Print 80% Complete
Fig 8 Print Complete

A video of the clay printer is below: